Industrial zone Simanovci - Center

The total land area of 25 ha.
- The industrial zone Simanovci - Center is located at a distance of 28 km from Belgrade, and 18 km from the international airport "Nikola Tesla".
- The land is in public ownership of the Municipality of Pecinci.
- Available at the request of investors.
- Site is equipped with infrastructure: road, sewer, water, gas, electricity and IT networks.
- Adopted PGR of Simanovci. Adoption of the PDR of location is planned.
- Land purpose: Industrial zone with family housing, sports and recreation zone.
A copy of the Plan
Location- Ortho photo
Industrial zone Simanovci - Center I

Total land area of 16 ha.
- The work zone Simanovci - Centar I is situated at a distance of 28 km from Belgrade, and 18 km from the international airport "Nikola Tesla".
- The land is in public ownership of the Municipality of Pecinci.
- Available at the request of investors.
- Infrastructure: access roads, and other infrastructure near the site: sewerage, water, gas, electricity and IT networks. (200 m).
- Adopted PGR of Simanovci. Launched procedure for PDR of a location.
- Land use: Sport and recreation zones.
A copy of the Plan
Location- Ortho photo
Location -Graphic