Church in Dech

- Church of Holy Ascension in Deč was built in the first half of XIX century or in 1828. Builder of the Holy Temple was the mason from Mitrovica, Mojsije Janković. Bricklaying works were completed in 1831.
- Pavle Bošnjaković built choir, the table of archbishop and other tables in 1834.
- Georgije Dević designed the iconostasis and icons in 1839.
- Konstantin Pantelić painted the iconostasis and interior of the church in 1848.
- Present appearance of the church is not the same as the original because the belfry was mined by Germans and the original belfry was bigger and had a dome and clocks.
- The church was generally renovated the last time in 1928.
Church in Kupinovo

- The church of the Holy Ghost in Kupinovo, was built in 1803. All valuables from despot times were transferred from the Church of Saint Lucas.
- The church was mined and damaged on July 11, 1944, and all objects either disappeared or demolished.
- Since these were multi-century old objects of major cultural and historic significance, the Commission for Cultural Damage appraised the effective damage at 26,579,750 dinars and cultural damage at 55,739,250 dinars. The appraisal report of the Commission stated: "This is about objects and antiquities originating from a marvelous period of Serbian history. The last remains of then Serbian state, at its twilight, had reached the peak in the spheres of culture, history and art, and Kupinovo, as then belittled center of sinking Serbian stat, attracted the best artists of the epoch ".
Church of Saint Lucas

- The Church of Saint Lucas is located on south-east outskirts of the village of Kupinovo. The church is the endowment of Despot Đurđa Brankovića. It was built in mid XV century representing the oldest orthodox place of worship north of the Rivers of Sava and Danube.
- In 1521, the Turks had razed Kupinovo to the grounds and probably the Church of Saint Lucas.
- According to sources from XVIII century the church had been rebuilt by the Captain Mihailo Vasić and the village residents, sometime between 1726 and 1730.
- The church and the baroque iconostasis of Jakov Orfelin from 1780 are protected by law today.
Serbian Orthodox Church in Šimanovci

- The first mention of the Church in Šimanovci dates back to 1756 together with the temple of Saint Nicholas, probably located on the place of today's church.
- Present Church was erected in around 1790 in baroque style and devoted to translation of relics of the Saint Nicholas. The iconostasis was made by the painter Konstantin Lekic from Zemun in 1822, as witnessed by the note on inner side of iconostasis. The iconostasis was consecrated in the same year during the times of Metropolitan Stevan Stratimirovic.
- Church tower was torn down during the World War II i.e. in September 1943. Only one side leaning on the church had been preserved making Šimanovci recognizable for more then 60 years. The tower was rebuilt completely in 2005 and original appearance was restored. This is probably the most beautiful structure in the area.
- Šimanovci had also a small parish building, which was dilapidated. New parish building was rebuilt in 2007 to meet all the needs of this religious community.
- The fence of the churchyard is being renovated presently, as well as the interior and exterior of the holy temple.
Serbian Orthodox Church in Popinci

- First note on the Orthodox Church in Popinci dates back to 1732. The note provides details of the Church in Popinci: new, small, shingle roof, bell, and stone trapeze. Slava day of the temple is the Saint Nicholas, and it was consecrated by the Nikanor from Krušedol.
- In 1777, new brick church was finished and devoted to Saint Archangel Gabriel, consecrated by Josif Jovanović Šakabenda. Church is still located in the village center as a monument of culture - history under state protection.
- During World War II, the Germans had torn down the church tower and damaged the west part of the church. New tower was built after the war, but full renovation of the church was not pursued and consequences of the mining are still visible.
- Church interior has many church books, icons and copies of documents on the church and priests.
Church in Asanja

- Old church was built in 1838
- According to certain documents on the 100th anniversary of the old church, 1938, it was well organized and painted
- 6 years after 1938, in 1944, the old church was torn down
- Only few icons from the old church iconostasis have been preserved, and that old iconostasis was designed in Novi Sad in 1898 in the factory of Luka Aleksijevic
- In 1976, new church was built and consecrated on July 26 on the Church Slava Day of Saint Archangel Gabriel
- The church was consecrated by the Srem Archbishop, Andreja
- It was renovated in 2006 and brought to very good shape
- Both old and new churches are devoted to the Saint Archangel Gabriel
Church in Brestac

- Devoted to the synod of the Saint Archangel Gabriel, 26 July
- The Holy temple was erected in 1750, and the belfry was erected in 1792.
- The Holy Temple is protected as the monument of culture
- Exterior renovation in 1987, and interior in 1990
Church in Donji Tovarnik

- The temple was torn down during the World War II, on December 18, 1943
- Present temple devoted to the Saint Apostles Peter and Paul
- Built in 1971
- 6 icons from the old temple have been preserved
- Present temple was built in Serbian-Byzantine style
- Part of religious service books from XVIII and XIX century printed in Russia have been preserved
Church in Ogar

- Temple devoted to translation of relics of the Saint Nicholas
- The temple was torn down during the World War II
- Renovated in 1963
- Foundations of the temple date back to 1747
- Parts of the iconostasis and icons from late XVIII and early XIX century have been preserved
- New engraved iconostasis was designed in 1979
- Partial adornment of the temple carried out in Byzantine style in 1983
Church in Pecinci

- Holy Temple in Pecinci was devoted to translation of relics of the Saint Nicholas and built in 1777 in the Byzantine style.
- The temple was torn down on several occasions. Austrian army took the bells in World War I. New bells were installed in 1923. Already in 1943, during the World War II, on the Day of Saint Nicholas, December 19, Germans had mined the belfry.
- As late as in 1962, the roof of the Holy Temple, which was damaged in the mining, was repaired. Belfry was then added on the church parvis, thus the temple irreversibly lost the appearance of the Byzantine structure. Reconstruction of the Holy Temple has begun in 2000. New roof and facade were finished, as well as the drainage around the church with new path.
- Preparations of the interior renovation are being carried out presently.
Church in Prhovo

- Name of the church is the Temple of Translation of Relics of the Saint Nicholas
- Built between 1804-1806
- Visitor of Karlovac Eparchy in XVIII century mentioned a new small church in Prhovo made of oak logs and covered with shingle
- As early as in 1758 the church was replaced by a new one
- Present church was built in early XIX century
- According to Mate Kosovac the church was built in 1806
- Around 40 years passed between the building of the church and placement of the iconostasis
- Meanwhile, old church iconostasis was probably used
- 4 throne icons of the old church iconostasis have been preserved and Professor Pavle Vasic gave a credit for them to Dimitrije Bacevic. The icons are located in the gallery of the Matica Srpska in Novi Sad
- Present iconostasis originates from 1832 - 1841
- Pavle Bosnjakovic made the iconostasis fretwork
- As late as in 1840, painting works of the iconostasis were made by the masters Georgije Bojer and Dimitrije Djurkovic
- Iconostasis fretwork is of classic concept
Church in Sibac

- The Holy Temple Sibac was built in 1767 and devoted to translation of the relics of the Saint Nicholas.
- The temple was completely renovated and adorned in 1851. Adornment is the work of the painter Konstantin Pantelic. The temple hosts a very valuable iconostasis, work of art of the famous painter Georgije Stojanovic. Iconostasis was originally designed for the Lower Church in Sremski Karlovci devoted to The Saint Apostles Peter and Paul. Iconostasis dates back to 1737- 1740, and it was purchased in exchange of few bullocks and transferred to Sibac in the 30's of XIX century.
- Three throne icons of a great value were stolen in 1971. They were found and returned back in 2006. Iconostasis is currently located in the treasury of the Srem Eparchy waiting for the general renovation of the Holy Temple and relocation again to the Church in Sibinci.
Church in Sremski Mihaljevci

- Name of the temple is the Saint John the Theologian
- Built in 1816
- According to the tradition, Old Mihaljevci Church was built on the houses of stilts on the water, swampy terrain similar to the houses of other inhabitants
- According to the same oral tradition, the church was relocated to dry terrain by the nobleman Veselkovic
- The church was also used as a school for almost 50 years when the inhabitants built new, also current, school in 1812
- The first religious service was conducted in 1816
- The works were carried out by the painter Gligorije Devic from Backa Palanka
- Final fretworks on the shrine were completed in 1926 by the craftsmen from Backa
- Old church inventory including the Gospel, the painting of the Christ, the Palolei, the Crucifixion and Anatalis
Church in Subotiste

- The Holy Temple was built in 1797
- Devoted to the Birth of the Saint John the Baptist celebrated on July 7
- The great tower was torn down in 1945, and the new one was erected in 2006